Have you insured your most important possession?

Protecting our possessions with insurance is something we all do. Your home, your car, your mobile phone…you’ve probably insured them all in case anything happens to them.

But have you protected the thing that allows you to buy these possessions in the first place?

Most people’s finances rely on their ability to work and bring in a regular income. If that were threatened – by a serious illness or death, how would your family cope? It’s not pleasant to think about, but planning ahead to protect your finances against the impact of a critical illness or death is vital.

The good news is it’s not usually difficult to do.

If you would like to speak to us about your circumstances and to look at the various plans available and receive personal advice, then please get in touch. However, if you would prefer to simply get a quote and put cover in place without any advice, then I can offer you access to one of the UKs leading suppliers of life and critical illness cover right here via this website.

Zurich have a reputation as a leading insurer, which has stood them in good stead for over 140 years. They have clients in over 200 countries and through this website, you can now get a quote on life and/or critical illness cover and even put the plan in place via the online apply facility.

Want to know more?

Call: 01327 879869 or email: admin@phoenixfs.co.uk